It’s Gonna Be A Bright, Bright Sun-Shiny Day

It's Gonna Be A Bright, Bright Sun-Shiny Day - girlintherapy
Good moods are seriously underrated️.

It’s really rare I feel a general positive mood, am pumped and ready to go. And no it’s not a temporary high, it’s a steady, level good-mood.

I woke up at 1pm, which isn’t too bad. I didn’t feel sluggish or like crap, which is what I feel on most days.

I finally got my mailing list mechanism to work after toiling away last night. It’s a tedious, painful process (not sure why this is often the case for me), but it’s finally up! Thanks to the helpful staff on GetResponse’s live chat. So if you wanna receive a weekly round up from me, you can go ahead to subscribe (at the right sidebar if you are on desktop, or at the bottom of the page if you’re on mobile).

I think the latest Pokemon Go update did help tho 80 new Pokemon released?? Shut the front door!

Have gone out to get a bagel-wich. Bagels aren’t commonly available where I’m from. So I’m psyched!

I sincerely wish everyone a good weekend ahead.

PS. Borrowing lyrics from “I Can See Clearly Now” – can’t be more apt now.


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>> Follow me at @girlintherapy.

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  1. flyfreeizzie profile image
    flyfreeizzie says:

    I think psych meds if you’re on them tend to make you middle of the road not high not low but it almost sucks. I love bagels, never tried a bagel wich even though I have seen them. I just like everything bagels, jalapeno cheese bagels are my primary favorite and good whipped creme cheese yummm or regular creme cheese but at this coffee bean and tea house, tgey have the BEST creme cheese. Omg it’s amazing. Still my fav bagels are Einstein brothers so hopefully bagels will become more popular and you will get to try even better ones!! Evil carbs!!

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