Celebrate Friendship Month this Feb with these ideas

February is International Friendship Month

friendship month - girlintherapyThough it may not be widely known, but what better month to celebrate love between friends than in the month of Love itself?

I mean, Valentines doesn’t have to be exclusively celebrated between lovers.

I know Amy Poehler’s Leslie Knope (from Parks and Recreation) “created” Galentine’s Day (Gal-entine’s, geddit?), so I guess now us ladies can celebrate both V-Day AND G-Day if we wanted to? ?

I had an early head start

Growing up, I went to all-girls’ schools. At the time, we were too little to know about dating, and as we grew older, we weren’t really exposed to boys either.

So in class, we channeled all our handmade gift-giving — cards, homemade cookies, flowers, etc… to each other!

It was a really fun time where I celebrated Valentines with my gal pals in school. And it appears we were already doing Galentines even before it was coined. So since I was a little girl, the month of Feb meant something extra to me—a celebration of friendship!

Related: For lovers and friends – BEST Valentine gifts @ 30% off!

Let’s celebrate friendships this month

While Friendship Day falls on Aug 6, Friendship Month is (aptly) in Feb. Not to be confused with Women’s Friendship Month.

I like what Mark Zuckerberg said about friendship

Here’s a round up of how International Friendship Month can be celebrated:

1. 5 Galentine’s Day suggestions (Bustle)

The one I like best is “Eat waffles” ?

2. 21 Quotes That Celebrate The Beauty And Importance Of Friendship (Thought Catalog)

There are a few that stood out to me, I’ll leave one here…

“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”

–Elizabeth Foley

3. 4 Ways to Celebrate Friendship Month (HuffPost)

Very simple but essential things we can do for the people we call our friends.

Friendship month mindful quotes - girlintherapy4. Give mindful reminders your friends can see everyday (Etsy)

My quote magnets are going at 30% off this month. Simply use coupon code GIT30 at checkout.

Let these quotes inspire your friend, and whenever they see it on their fridge (or wherever they decide to stick them), they will be reminded of you! Almost as if you’re there in person cheering them on.

Your friends will truly be blessed 🙂

5. Celebrate International Friendship Month! – for kids (Owlkids)

Kids are never too young to learn about Friendship and its importance.

6. Six Ways to Make a Friend (Psychology Today)

Some of us need help in this department. Either because we’ve moved cities/states, or have been caught up with family, work, illness or have isolated due to various reasons. This link also suggests 4 Ways To Rescue A Friendship.

>> Also, read how friendships are beneficial for our physical health!

Bonus: Read this inspiring story on friendship

Such touching stories never fail to remind me that you never know what’s going on in someone else’s life, and behind their smile. Practice kindness to others, and who knows, you’d help someone more than you’ll ever know, and make a lifelong FRIEND in the process!


Are you celebrating Friendship Month this month? Why not take the time to tell a friend you appreciate them? Hope the above points give you some ideas!

As always, thoughts and feedback always welcome 🙂

Due to my mental health struggles, I have problems earning a stable income. In order to help myself financially, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small fee at no extra cost to you, based on your activity on this page. (See my disclaimer page for more information.) If you wish to show your support, you may take a look at my Etsy shop and see if anything tickles your fancy 🙂 Sending you warmth & gratitude in advance! Once again, thank you for reading my blog.


  1. Rachel G says:

    I didn’t know that this month was considered “Friendship Month”! That’s pretty cool! Friendships are such important relationships, they’re well worth investing in.

    • Girl says:

      I can’t agree more, Rachel! Friendships, like all other kinds of relationships take work (time + effort). Hope you and your friends will have a good Friendship Month this month! 🙂

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