A new outlet for creative expression!

I chanced upon this article today. It really comforted me and helped me get through the day:

10 Things to Say (and Not to Say) to Someone With Depression

Recently I have come across quotable quotes which inspired me. Some are from material I read, some are shared by fellow CoDa members, etc…

I’ve decided to try my hand at creating quote images (I’m not sure if they have a name). It will be my personal collection to share with the world. This also will be a good outlet for my creative spirit. I love to create.

I will be experimenting with Instagram and Pinterest.

I will start with the above link of 10 Things to Say (and Not To Say) to someone with Depression.

I look forward to my new creations. I hope they come out alright. I am also hoping this will help me cope with whatever it is I’m facing for the day.

Due to my mental health struggles, I have problems earning a stable income. In order to help myself financially, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small fee at no extra cost to you, based on your activity on this page. (See my disclaimer page for more information.) If you wish to show your support, you may take a look at my Etsy shop and see if anything tickles your fancy 🙂 Sending you warmth & gratitude in advance! Once again, thank you for reading my blog.

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