I heart Twitter

twitter profile @girlintherapy

Twitter is my outlet of choice these days.

It’s quicker and easier to rattle off my thoughts, in short splicey excerpts.

I aim to blog more. There is so much going on!!! I wish I could write all of it down!

I will tweet first, and expand on them later. Since tweeting helps meet my needs of expressing myself sooner, as opposed to holding it all in, bottling it all up, where everything gets “constipated” — my therapist’s favourite word.

You can see my tweets at @GirlinTherapy or at the column on the right (for desktop) or below (for mobile). Follow me! And we can talk… 😉

Follow me at twitter.com/GirlinTherapy

Follow me at @GirlinTherapy

Due to my mental health struggles, I have problems earning a stable income. In order to help myself financially, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small fee at no extra cost to you, based on your activity on this page. (See my disclaimer page for more information.) If you wish to show your support, you may take a look at my Etsy shop and see if anything tickles your fancy 🙂 Sending you warmth & gratitude in advance! Once again, thank you for reading my blog.

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