Make good self care choices for yourself

Make good choices self care - girlintherapy
It’s OK to take care of yourself

So it’s perfectly alright to say “I’ll think about this tomorrow”…

…and go to bed!!!

This post is about boundaries, self care, priorities, permission to rest, making good choices for myself.

Lights out.


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>> Follow me at @girlintherapy.

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  1. girlintherapy profile image
    girlintherapy says:

    @arak_anavrin You know what, after I made this post, the idea was to go to bed (while it was still dark) to sleep. Did go to bed, but ended up sleeping around 8am :/ Gahhh. At least I tried and the intention was there. Will try again tomorrow How are you – have you seen/found some places that you like?

  2. arak_anavrin profile image
    arak_anavrin says:

    This is a big one. . . Making internal boundaries and/or deciding what’s enough, what’s okay and what can/should be placed to the side for later. If I could do ANY of this I would feel peace inside (in general). Very challenging️

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