
This is a weekly series of reflections regarding the day&039;s meditation in The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie that is read aloud at the CoDependents Anonymous (CoDA) meetings I attend weekly. 30 March – Title: Experiment. "Today, I will give myself permission to experiment in life. I will stop rigidly holding myself back, and I will jump in when jumping in feels right. God, help me let go of my need to deprive myself of being alive." An excerpt of my reflections…"I guess what Melody Beattie is saying is: If you don’t try, you’ll never know. How would you know if you’ve not tried? Sometimes too much fear and negative self-talk get in the way. That’s why some people say we lose our “innocence” as adults, because we forget how to PLAY. As kids, we didn’t overthink, we simply tried things we wanted. Giving ourselves a chance to experiment and try new things is also creating an opportunity for self-discovery, to find out more about ourselves — who we are, what we stand for…Giving ourselves a chance to experiment and try new things is also creating an opportunity for self-discovery, to find out more about ourselves — who we are, what we stand for…" For the full post, I invite you to visit my blog girlintherapy.com ??? Can you relate to this reading which is encouraging us to let go of past programming, to experiement, to dare try something new when we are ready?

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